I’m in a directing class over at the U. It has opened my world. The teachers are uber-experienced theatre and film directors. The first two quarters we learned about the structure of a good story and what makes actors tick. This quarter, things are getting real.
We have picked a scene from a play and are producing it for live performance AND for film. I’m partnering up with my good friend Pearl Klein to produce scenes from the same play using the same actors. We’ve picked a drama named “Betrayal” by Harold Pinter. The text in this play is deceptively simple. It reads quickly, but upon re-reading you start to see patterns and subtext that runs deep. People are betraying everyone including themselves. Juicy!
We have a cast, we have a location and now we are doing all our pre-production work. Schedules, paperwork, script breakdowns, storyboards, and design. We are starting to roll a very big ball.
Stay tuned,