Dammit. Now I’m all inspired.
I just finished a nine month class with a herd of <insert not overused, and deeply meaningful adjective here> directing students. As I said in my previous post, I’m really going to miss seeing these people all together in a room having insightful conversations. But that’s the sad part and I did that already.
The happy part is that these people are all into Making Good Art. From Steampunk scifi theatre to children’s theatre to gangster stories to deep dives into relationships and social issues. It’s so inspiring. It’s SOOO cool. I’m going all fan-boy over it all.
I want to start a project with each and every one of them. All of them. NOW!
Let’s see, human cloning isn’t ready yet. I still need sleep (even though whenever David is in the thick part of a project, he tells me that “Sleep is for the weak”). Having minions is sorta frowned upon in this modern age. There’s no way… AAAAAAAAH!!!!! My heart is going to explode! (maybe my Lizard brain will explode… that might even be handy in a way).
OK, breathe.
This is a good problem to have. When I left my programming career, I did it because I wanted to be around more people. I was tired of working by myself staring into a screen most of my day. I want people to be an integral part of what I do. It’s happening. I will stay connected with this group. I will help them on their projects and invite them to be a part of mine. No, I can’t do it with all of them right now. But I’m in this for the long haul. They are the start of a growing network of people who support each other in the creation of quality stories.
How can I help?